
Friday, February 17, 2012

This is for a book that I'm working on.  I have always done very realistic drawings but I'm trying to simplify my style so that it is more appropriate for children's books.  I forgot to scan in the other one that I have done.

 trying a different technique other than watercolor --- Had to stop and take a step back. Overworked some areas. Loosing contrast !!

It really helps to scan it and see it on the computer screen. lol I have no idea why. I see things so differently here. Top of the chair is way overworked for one thing. I was trying to get different line weights. I didn't achieve that. I've always used a certain type of pens but .... after really looking at it .. not sure I'm liking the pens like I used to. May try quill pens next. hmmm

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So, I'm working on this "sketchbook project".  I've never done this before so, we'll see how it goes. 

The theme that I've chosen is ---  The Secret & How to tell it.  My daughters have helped me with coming up with ideas for this theme.  My oldest daughter suggested something like .. secret to childhood, memories, tell it by passing it down to generations.  Secret to a happy life .. tell the memories.  My youngest daughter suggested that I tell how people in my life affected me and how I "taught" my kids things from what I learned from them.

My girls have been telling me for a while to illustrate the stories that I tell them about when I was growing up.  SO, this is the perfect opportunity to kind of "jump start" their request.  Once, I fill up my sketchbook for this project, I will be able to add more stories and maybe get it self published for them to have.

What I've started with is My Grandpaw and Grandpaw Meeks.  They were my grandpaw's parents.

The rough sketch shown is just ideas coming together.  It will have vintage things around the pages.  A photo of them holding me will be attached to the page with a "frame" drawn around it.  I will have an old letter basically telling the information.  I have yet to figure out exactly what I'm going to say.  I have ideas but too much to put in this project.  BUT, again .. this is just the beginning.  :)

2-15-2012  Not sure if this is really productive but have been spending lots of time looking at different artists links and blogs.  I have found a few that really go into detail about how they work or how they get their inspiration.

BUT, I really need to get physically productive and DRAW ..  haha

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My paints !!!
Valentines Day 2010 -  My first time blogging EVER.  This should be interesting.  haha. 

So, the reason for this is that I am trying to rediscover myself in my artwork.  Redefining may be a better word.  Lately, I've been taking a course to learn how to illustrate children's books.  I've been drawing and painting all my life.  BUT, this is different.  I have always drawn realistically.  So, I'm learning a new style.. trying to simplify things to make it look more children and book friendly.  This is a new adventure in my life...............................  let's see how it goes !!!